require(limma) #this is the main fucntion #it takes 2 argument: #Data, which is the matrix of expression values #groups, which is a character vector with group names. Replicates must have the same group name #and the vector must be in the same order as the columns in Data GenerateEnrichmentScore<-function(data, groups){ results <- matrix(NA, nrow=dim(data)[1], ncol=length(unique(groups))) rownames(results)<-rownames(data) colnames(results)<-unique(groups) for (groupX in unique(groups)){ colX <- RunOneGroupForScore(data, groups, groupX) results[,groupX]<-colX cat("Group", groupX, "done\n") } results } #this function will generate the enrichment score for a single #group. #Data is the matrix of expression values #groups is a character vector with group names. Replicates must have the same name #groupX is the name of the group for which the enrichment score will be calculated RunOneGroupForScore<-function(data,groups, groupX){ f<-factor(groups, levels=unique(groups)) design<-model.matrix(~0+f) colnames(design)<-unique(groups) mycontrasts<-makeContrasts(contrasts= makeGroupContrastsForOne(groupX,groups), levels=design) fit<-lmFit(data, design) fit2<-eBayes(, mycontrasts)) fit.test<-p.adjust(fit2$p.value, method="bonferroni") select <- fit.test > 0.05 fit.coef <- fit2$coef fit.coef[select] <- 0 apply(fit.coef, 1, sum) } #internal function to generate contrasts for limma makeGroupContrastsForOne<-function(groupX, groups){ unique.groups<-unique(groups) results <- rep("", length(unique.groups)-1) counter <- 1 for (groupY in unique.groups) if (groupX!=groupY){ results[counter]<-paste(groupX,"-", groupY, sep="") counter <- counter+1 } results }